
A prerelease teaser just for you!

Hi, this post is just for readers of my blog. I thought I’d give you an exclusive teaser from A Bond of Swords and Sacrifice! I hope you enjoy it! Readers of my newsletter have been given the first two chapters to wet their appetite! If you’d like to join up and get early access to my writing join HERE

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This is from Chapter 30

Closing in on the battle, almost halfway across the valley, was another vast airborne army.

At is head was a beautiful purple and blue dragon and upon its back was his father and Elexon.

Eryanth bellowed a loud screech. A cry of greeting—and of war.

A solid object suddenly hit Eryanth so hard it sent him hurtling from the sky back into the ground. The pressure did not let up. A huge weight pressed down upon him, crushing his lungs. Pain swamped his body as talons ripped into his scales. He thrashed out with his magic, curling it around Sulphurious, yanking at his bulk. Simultaneously he stabbed with spears of shadow at Sulphurious’ scales.

Sulphurious snarled down at him, acid saliva dropping into Eryanth’s face.

Eryanth whipped his head back to protect his eyes, realising too late that was what the black dragon wanted. He could not even roar as huge jaws clamped down in his neck and tore at his scales and flesh. Try as he might, he could not dislodge those jaws.

Sulphurious dug a talon into the flesh around the ruby key but it was fused in Eryanth’s bone, part of him now. His lungs burned and his vision faltered. Fear spread through his soul as he realised he was dying. His Nexus would be alone. With every last bit of strength and magic, he stabbed and twisted and clawed at the larger dragon, loosening its hold on his neck.

Suddenly, Sulphurious gave an agonised roar and Eryanth was free. He gazed up in surprise as the black dragon was lifted airborne.

Krato, his own jaws clamped around the back of Sulphurious’ neck, raised the beast up. Alethia had one wing and Vaalor the other. In unison, the two dragons ripped those wings apart. Sulphurious screeched and thrashed but Krato steadfastly held onto Sulphurious. Ilya swooped in and bit down on Sulphurious’ tail and together they raised him high, then pulled, severing more chunks of flesh.

Blood rained down upon Eryanth, but he did not close his eyes. He wanted to see this hideous creature ended.

With no wings, the black dragon plummeted from the sky, his neck raining blood and his tail hanging in threads.

Krato swooped in from the side and rammed the falling body sideways. It burst through the palace walls and rolled to a halt in the burning grass, taking out many Dust Devils before it stopped.

From his perch on the tower, the Lord of Chaos saw his guardian fall. Immediately, he raised his hands. He whipped the storm clouds into a frenzy and brought his wrath down upon the valley until there was nothing but shadows.

Eryanth could do nothing as the dark god leaped, heading straight towards where Diamond fought.

Copyright © Karen Tomlinson 2018

It is the right of Karen Tomlinson to be identified as the author of this work.

All rights reserved.



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