Last 2 Days to Grab Your Very Own Copy of This Special Edition!

How exciting! We’re in our last 48 hours of the Angel Of Aether Kickstarter campaign!

It’s honestly like a massive roller coaster being on a Kickstarter campaign. I’m so hap

py when it goes up because it means that as an author I can offer more with the book, like the printed endpapers. The downside is it’s really disappointing when the funding goes down. People pledged and sometimes have to cancel for whatever reason. It’s par for the course on a platform like Kickstarter, but it does mean I have to be very careful when I offer out extras. Mainly because if, or when, the funding drops it can go down drastically and leave me out of pocket if I’ve offered what are essentially expensive rewards for the book or readers. 

That said, we are doing amazing and AOA hardback has some fantastic stretch rewards added to it. We have foiled bookmarks x2, full-colour endpapers. There’s a vote going on for what the majority would like. So far I think full colour maps are winning. There’s also a Dex sketch art vellum page overlay. I’m hoping to be able to add a vellum page overlay of the NSFW smexy character art of Dex and Lia by MageonDuty, near the end of the campaign on Friday. We just need to bump up the funding a little for that!

The book itself already comes with the pretty hard case art, foil dustjacket, bespoke formatting, colour maps x2, x2 NSFW arts, and a double-page spread character art of Dex and Lia in the throne room. It’s going to be so pretty! 

If you haven’t backed the campaign yet but would like a copy of this pretty book for your bookshelf then you can take a look here. Remember there are payment plans that can help if the cost is hard to part with in one go. 

Book One- Veil Of Souls is also available through this campaign or you can grab a copy on my shop

As always take care. XXX



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