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Aether is life, love, death, rebirth. But above all else, it is power.
Dexalion is my beautiful darkness. Powerful. Ruthless. Dangerous. He dominates the world around him. Yet our triumph over the Demon King has brought only temporary peace to the Nether. Unless I can fulfil my destiny, rivers of blood will run in both worlds. The Higher Powers decided my path when they made me the Angel of Aether, so why can’t I connect to the Heart and bring light and life back to the world of demons?
When Baladon ruled, the Nether was neglected, starved, and its people broken. No matter that we ended his rule, mistrust shrouds our new life as High King and Queen. Navigating this minefield of allies, enemies, betrayal, and war is all about survival for our worlds. But my survival is only certain if I stay by Dex’s side. I need his connection to the dark side of the Veil to feed my magic. More than that, I need him and the love that has grown between us. I must find a way to overcome my failure because if I’m not the Angel, I’m a liability.
For thousands of Heart cycles, the Angel has bonded with the King of Demons to balance life, death, and rebirth. I pray I can remain Dex’s Angel. If not I’ll lose him.
After all, there is another.
And there’s a chance she can succeed where I have failed.
Join Zahlia and Dex on their dangerous journey to save both worlds in the last exciting instalment of the Aether Chronicles. Discover how love, magic, and friendship help them triumph over their ruthless enemies. Join their battle for the survival of everything and everyone they love—including each other.
Chapter One
The sway of the alzac beneath my thighs along with the gentle clip-clop of its hooves was hypnotic. For the first time in days, the tightness in my neck and shoulders started to ease. Sighing, I tipped my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the gentle warmth that caressed my face.
Why did something as simple as the warmth of daylight make me so happy? A smile curved my lips. Because I did this, I gave light to this world of darkness and demons.
Except you didn’t, did you. You failed. You can’t connect, and that light will soon fade, said that horrible little voice in my head. And just like that, my joy dissipated, floating away like mist on the breeze. Taking a few breaths to get a hold of my tumbling emotions, I opened my eyes, relieved when I saw my friends’ gazes on the column of light that emerged from the Heart rather than me. Mari and Dala were my life-line, especially since I realised I couldn’t heal the Heart of the Aether. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to heal it. I did, desperately. I just had no idea how. Even after hours of research in the castle library, I was none the wiser.
As the Angel of Aether, I was supposed to connect my magic to the ancient structure, and feed it enough power to provide life to the Netherworld and the mortal world. The more time drifted away, the more withdrawn from my friends I became. I didn’t mean to, but I was demoralised and exhausted most of the time after the demands put on me as the soon-to-be High Queen of the Aether kingdom. After fulfilling my daily schedule as High Queen, researching until the early hours of the morning, and visiting the Heart daily, not to mention the shame of my failure at what Dexalion believed I was born for, I had nothing left. I managed to hide my despair from those who didn’t know me well, but my close friends—and my soulmate—were far too observant. As the days passed, and there were still no new ideas as to why I couldn’t be the saviour everyone wanted, I’d avoided as many people as possible—even Dex.
It hadn’t been hard to evade him in the beginning. He’d been inundated with requests for meetings by just about everyone who held any power in the Netherworld. He’d put off encounters with the kings and queens of each kingdom, instead arranging a week-long gathering to give each ruler an audience with their new High King. Those gatherings would culminate in a grand ball where each ruler would pledge allegiance to Dex and me.
I shivered as I stared at the column of light that shone from the huge fissure in the ground. The Heart’s steady beat was like a distant drum, so deep in the earth it was just an echo. There would surely be war if the rulers questioned whether I was indeed the Angel and refused to recognise Dex as their king because of my inability to heal this world. Word had spread like wildfire about the new Angel who would bring back light and life and align herself with the De’ath family bloodline.
My shoulders sagged, my heart racing, my sweaty palms slipping on the reins. Dex had supported me, but I wasn’t stupid. He needed the Angel to secure his crown and the fealty of the other rulers. My life would soon be at risk. Other demons would want me dead to make way for an Angel who could bond with their High King and the Heart. He’d be pressured into breaking all our bonds, but I knew Dex. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt me. Instead, he’d fight every single demon who was a threat and burn this world to ash.
I swallowed my despair. If there was another war, it would be because of me, so I had to find a way to fix this.
My alzac snorted, obviously sensing my anxiety. I leaned forward and patted its long neck. The lesser demon tossed its overly large head and whinnied as if trying to tell me everything would be alright. I lifted my gaze and straightened my spine. It would be. It had to be. I’d find a way.
My friends chatted quietly as we made our daily trip to the Heart. Happy to be left alone with my thoughts, I listened to their voices while I tried to convince myself the light was equally as bright as the day I’d let my magic free to stop a war.
Reapers floated in the weakly lit sky. I’d stopped trying to keep them away when I’d understood I was their guiding light and they were drawn to me. I sighed. Or should be. I guessed they were still confused, considering I had no idea how to guide them, but at least they couldn’t get through the Veil into the mortal world to steal souls anymore. At least that was positive.
I thrust away the inadequacy that plagued me. At least I’d fixed the Veil enough to keep the souls of the dead where they should be—in the Nether. I’d also discovered the reapers were the guardians of all souls, souls that should go into the Heart only couldn’t until I found a way to fix it. Reapers wouldn’t hurt me. I knew that now. They approached me when I was outside the palace walls, almost as if they needed reassurance. They were no longer faceless monsters, yet neither were they the beautiful creatures I’d read about in the ancient tomes in the Cimeria’s library, probably because my magic remained weak. Ethereal energy brushed my cheeks, making me shiver. They released an oddly mournful song as they flew away to herd the souls of the deceased from the mortal plane and Netherworld towards the Heart.
Mari’s face broke into a mischievous grin. “So? When’s your mating ceremony going to be? I’ll bet the crown prince of Haldaag has to have some kind of massive ceremony befitting his station, doesn’t he?”
Dala snorted. “Thankfully, not yet. Both of us want to wait until the Nether is more stable politically. There’s a strong chance of war if the other sovereigns don’t pledge allegiance to our High King.” Her eyes slid sideways to me. She didn’t voice what I knew she was thinking, that I was the reason for the continued unrest. I kept my eyes forward and pretended to be lost in my thoughts. I was so happy for Dala. Omeron and her were made for each other: they were both stubborn, strong, and loyal to a fault. I couldn’t be any happier they were together. Knowing she was loved and had all the good things she deserved gave me a sense of peace. It was a welcome relief from my internal struggles. My friend had already unofficially mated with Omeron, and they always looked so perfect when they were together, but I hated that my friend’s future was on hold because of me.
Mari nodded, seemingly oblivious to the tension. “I heard. But that could take months. Politics are notoriously volatile, and I’m not sure there is ever such a thing as guaranteed peace. Don’t you want to be with him now?”
Dala smirked. “Oh, I am with him—every night in our bedroom, or sometimes in a store closet…or the library, the dining room, or anywhere else we need each other.”
A chuckle burst from me at her words. It was such a Dala reply, and it lightened my mood, distracting me from my own issues. “That sounds like you, you demanding bitch,” I managed to drawl, trying for the snarky interaction we’d always had. It fell flat, but Dala didn’t seem to notice.
Her grin widened. “You can’t talk. I’ve seen you sneak off for some alone time with our king.” She cocked a brow. “Or he just gets desperate to touch you and orders everyone from the council room so he can bend you over that ugly-arsed table.”
“True.” I didn’t bother fighting my smile. She was right, and my body knew it, shivering as my blood heated.
We again fell into silence, and I studied Dala’s beautiful face. She looked so content that my chest squeezed. I’d been a shitty friend lately. Never by her side. I couldn’t remember when we’d last spent time alone just talking or training like we used to. I missed her. Yet hearing Dala’s worries about war increased the anxiety that was my constant companion. I knew the sovereigns of the demon kingdoms were proud and fierce, but this world had already been torn apart by war. Surely they wouldn’t want more bloodshed? Baladon had gathered allies through threats and violence. There was mistrust of the De’ath bloodline because of him, which meant Dex had to work twice as hard to gain the trust of those wronged. Then there was me. I was supposed to be the one who brought this world back to life. No other Angel was supposed to exist while I was alive.
Except one did.
My stomach churned, threatening to expel the small amount of breakfast I’d managed that morning.
Would she be a better Angel than me? Could she heal this world where I couldn’t? And what of Dex? Failure was a bitter taste on my tongue, the reins digging into my fingers, I gripped them so hard. An Angel needed a Shadow Demon powerful enough to connect to the dark side of the Veil to feed her from it and balance the magic she took from the light side of the Veil. My inability to fix this world was ever present, yet even though I couldn’t connect to the Heart, it still fed on the magic I did have. It was a trifecta of survival: the Heart fed from me, I fed from the light and dark sides of the Veil, and the Veil pulled energy from the Heart and the souls I gifted it.
Regardless of how much I wanted to fix the Nether, I couldn’t give up Dex. I loved him with every part of my being. Nor could I ever bear to share him. I was terrified that Pria may be the one who could fix this world, so I pushed those thoughts away and plastered a smile on my face, determined to enjoy this time with my friends. My struggles weren’t theirs. They had their own responsibilities and worries, and I wouldn’t add to them. We continued our ride, and I did my best to stay present with them and join the conversation.
“Are Omeron or Dex any closer to finding that slimy portal demon?” asked Mari.
Around us, the gentle mountain slope buzzed with life. Fluffy orange bees darted around, collecting pollen from the glowing pearlescent moonflowers that grew right up to the Heart’s entrance. The delicate blooms had always grown on the slopes above Aetris according to the ancient scrolls I’d read, except when an Angel died, and no other had been born. The absence of an Angel caused the Heart to slowly die. As it withered, so too did the vines that gave life to the blooms, their stems rotting and eventually turning to dust. I rubbed my arms, remembering the feel of that dust as it covered my skin and unlocked my imprisoned magic.
The sight of the hillside covered in blooms filled me with joy, their scent clearing my head and soothing my melancholy. I shook myself and gave Mari my attention. “No, I’m afraid not, though Ventaram hasn’t returned from Myrkis yet. He seemed to think someone there might know where that horrible little toad would go to hide.”
Ventaram’s reason for going to Myrkis was a complete lie. Dex had already worked out that Muck had run to the mortal world. What we needed to know was if he’d stayed there. We were both hoping Ventaram would return with useful information on that score.
Mari smiled and nodded, looking calm even though she and Escalon needed a portal demon to get themselves and their army home.
“It’s okay. We’ll find a way home soon. There has to be more than one portal demon in this world. Once Dex finds out where he can summon one from, he’ll combine your power and bring them here. He promised to find us a way home, and I believe him.”
I nod, though it didn’t escape me that her magic combined with Dex’s was enough to summon Muck before. Her magic wasn’t as strong in this land, but I couldn’t help my jealousy at the thought of her connecting her magic with his.
Would he find a way to do that again if mine continued to weaken?
I smiled tightly. “Of course. Dex will sort everything out.”
The bitterness in my tone surprised me. Was I actually resentful that he never showed weakness or failed at anything he set his mind to? Guilt twisted my belly. No, it wasn’t him I felt sour towards. It was myself.
Mari turned to me, her expression softening. “He will, Zah. You need to keep your faith in him. You know he keeps his promises.”
Yeah, it’s me who can’t keep my promise to this world or the people in it.
I forced a smile. “I do.”
Dala’s gaze burned into the side of my face, but I didn’t look at her. My friend knew me too well, and I already felt terrible for resenting my mate. Except, I did want him to succeed in everything.
I kicked my heels gently into the alzac’s sides and sent encouraging words to its mind. It whinnied, increasing its pace and trotting the rest of the way to the edge of the large fissure. We dismounted, my boots crunching on the gravel path, and I headed towards the strange spectacle of the Heart. Mari and Dala flanked me. They stopped by my side, where the land fell into a void.
The toes of my riding boots touched the purple and black roots that sprouted from the glassy obsidian rock. They meandered like veins over and through the ground, covering every inch of the sheer sides of the vast chasm. They pulsed to the beat of the Heart, even where they dangled like vines, disappearing into that dark oblivion.
Warm air eddied around us, lifting strands of my silver hair in a gentle caress. Reapers floated above, bringing the ethereal forms of souls towards the column of light where they left them. My heart ached when those poor souls drifted, unsure where to go. Until I could connect to the Heart and give it enough strength to call them into its depths, they would congregate here. They had once screamed and moaned in confusion; now they were silent. In fact, it wasn’t lost on me how quiet this world still was. There was more life, but it still wasn’t enough. There was no bird song and very little wildlife. The joy of children’s laughter was missing, as were the cries of newborns. I forced my shoulders not to sink under the weight of that knowledge and closed my eyes, feeling for the Heart’s energy.
A soft presence called to me, but, as ever, when I reached for it, it wisped away; there yet impossible to pin down, as if I was chasing that beating echo. My consciousness floated free of my physical body, and I sailed down over the edge of the cliff and into the depths of that beating heart. Time escaped me as I trailed that gossamer melody. Colours glimmered, radiating from masses of the pulsing vines of the Heart, yet still, I couldn’t grasp onto its presence. It stayed just beyond my reach. Sadness seeped into my soul, as though it was trying to reach me just as I strained to reach it, except there was a barrier between us, something essential missing that eluded me.
The farther I sank into its depths, the more its essence darkened. It was dying despite my feeding it as much as I could. If I gave it more magic, maybe it would heal. But when I gave, it took, and it was never enough.
Chapter Two
“Zahlia…Zahlia…come back!”
I both wanted to heed my friend’s words and ignore them. Ultimately, I chose to stay in the Heart, knowing I had to do something to help, even if I had to give everything. So I continued on, lost inside the world of beauty and death, searching for something, even if I had no idea what.
Something pulled insistently on my soul. Irritated by it, I forced myself to ignore the Heart’s draw. A deep voice echoed through the chasm, a shadow wrapping around me.
“Come back, Angel. I need you.”
I blinked as wisps of darkness pulled me back towards the light of the Nether.
“Zahlia, come back here, now. You cannot stay there! We need you here!” Dala sounded angry. And scared. I forced myself higher, away from the corruption and through the kaleidoscope of colours to the sound of her voice—and his, both sorry and relieved to leave the chasm splitting the obsidian rocky ground.
I awoke to Dala’s hand on my shoulder. She shook me again, and I blinked, my brows knitting. There was hard rock underneath me and pain in my knees and lower legs that stole my focus. I groaned and slumped forward, bracing myself on my hands before slipping sideways to relieve the pressure on my lower limbs. A hiss escaped me as blood rushed back into my feet and calves.
“Damn, Zah!” Dala squatted beside me and pulled me into her arms. She wasn’t one for displays of affection like this, so it threw me. I wondered why she held me until I realised how weak my body was and how much my muscles trembled no matter how hard I tried to stop them.
“What happened?” I croaked, trying to remember.
She gently put me from her, and I sank back, sitting on the ground. The shiny obsidian was cool under my splayed fingers. I blinked again. The paltry light from the Heart had dimmed once again to darkness. All day. I’d been searching in the Heart all day. A heavy weight dragged at my chest. All that time and I still hadn’t found anything useful.
Mari brushed my sweaty hair back from my face. “We couldn’t reach you. I mean, I know we’ve sat here for hours with you before, but we tried to wake you and get you to eat and drink like we have in the past, but we couldn’t.” Her voice broke a little. “We couldn’t wake you up.”
The sound of wings beating the air registered just as the muted thud of boots hit the ground.
I met Dala’s eyes, accusation in mine, and pushed away the shadow that had seemed like a lifeline only a moment ago. “You called Dex?” My teeth clenched. I didn’t want him to know how lost I’d been within the Heart. Rescuing me from its grasp was embarrassing enough, but if he thought I couldn’t handle that connection, he’d put a stop to it.
She set her jaw in a stubborn line. “I did. Zah, we couldn’t reach you. It’s taken us hours to get you to come back to us. I was worried. I used my mate bond to Omeron and asked him to send Dex.”
Tears pricked my eyes, anger and shame warring inside me. I didn’t need this—him—I could do this alone. “Why? I would have come back. I don’t need you…or him…to help me do this. I was fine.” I couldn’t even begin to dissect my mixed-up feelings, not when my thoughts scrambled as Dexalion strode towards me.
I braced and pushed to my feet, forcing my shaking limbs to comply. Snapping my knees straight and standing took much more concentration than it should have, and he was in front of me before I knew it. I swallowed as I looked into the vivid jade of his eyes. They had always stolen my focus, but right then, the ruby that stained them warned me he wasn’t happy. I hated worrying him when he had so many other responsibilities. I dropped my gaze, but not before I saw the lines etching his brow or the tense set of his jaw. My stomach did a nervous flip, just as always, when he looked at me with such intensity. I was so tired of letting him down. How could I be his Queen when I failed at the destiny the Higher Powers had bestowed upon me?
Gentle yet firm fingers grasped my chin and tilted my head up. Panicked that he would see my fear, I yanked my head from his touch, my skin tingling where the pressure of his fingers lingered. A low rumble rolled up his throat, the air thickening with magic and darkness.
“Leave us!” he snapped.
They did. My friends—the traitors, left me with the one person that I didn’t want to witness my weakness. His gaze burned the top of my head. I rarely bowed my head for anyone, but especially not him. I hadn’t for years because he never let me, but I needed to hide. It was impossible to suck air into my lungs when his presence devoured all the oxygen around us, demanding that I give him my undivided attention.
I peeked up under lowered lashes. Dressed in his black armour with ruby red siphons inlaid in the metal covering his left bicep, the bone bracelet protruding from his right arm, his sword pommel peaking over his shoulder and his duel-bladed axe hanging from his hip, he was devastating. My heart pounded in my chest despite the weight it carried. He always had this effect on me. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. I clenched my jaw. It didn’t mean I wouldn’t try, though, so I studied the pearlescent blooms that glowed off to the side of where we stood.
He didn’t speak, but soon, my breathing eased, and the shaking in my limbs settled. Even the pull from the Heart loosened a little as if it sensed his darkness, his ability to destroy and maim and strike fear into any entity alive if he wished.
The silence between us was heavy with unspoken words. Still, I didn’t look at him. I would soon. I just needed a minute to gather myself and shove my anxiety far enough under the surface that he wouldn’t see it.
“Look at me, Angel.”
It was a soft command, but a command nonetheless.
Usually, I’d smile and deliberately look elsewhere to let him know I’d only obey him when I wanted to. My defiance usually resulted in him taking control in other exciting ways, but right then, I didn’t have the energy to play our sensual power games nor was that what this situation was about. Taking a deep breath, I shoved away all the negativity in my heart and met his gaze, forcing a soft smile to my lips.
His eyes narrowed on that utterly false curl of my lips. “What happened? Dala was so worried about you that she tugged on her mate bond with Omeron and called for me to come.” His assessing eyes never left my face.
I shrugged as nonchalantly as possible. I honestly had no idea. I’d been perfectly alright down in the depths of the Heart. My stomach sank as the past few hours came back to me, the darkness, the dying vines, the emptiness. I picked at some dry skin on my finger. No one needed to know the extent of the Heart’s damage, especially Dex. He had enough to deal with. He was a King in all ways except wearing a crown because he refused to be crowned until the Heart was fully recovered. My palms turned cold and sweaty. I wiped them on my thighs, then folded my arms to hide the tremble in my fingers. I could fix this mess. I could. I just needed a bit more time.
“Nothing happened. Dala called Omeron because she said she couldn’t wake me. I was fine. She worries too much.” I clenched my jaw. Losing track of the world outside had happened before, but this time, I’d completely lost myself. I licked my dry lips, looking where my pack had been laid on the ground. My stomach rumbled, nausea making it churn. My knee-caps throbbed, and there was an insistent ache in my feet and lower legs, evidence that I’d hardly moved for hours.
Dex’s eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms over his liberal chest. His gaze raked over my face, lingering on my dry lips and the way I swayed. Shit, he was a wall of muscle that was far too observant, but he didn’t scold me for neglecting myself. He merely sighed and leaned down, swiping my pack from the ground. He rifled around inside and grunted as he found what he sought.
“Here,” he said gently and passed me the water skin. His eyes softened as I took a sip, my body deciding it wasn’t enough. Thirst gripped me, and I groaned, gulping down huge mouthfuls. Air hit my belly with the water. I didn’t care. I needed this. Maybe Dala was right…
“Hey, steady down,” Dex muttered, taking the water from my grasp. “You’ll be sick.”
“I’m not a child!” I snapped. “I don’t need you to tell me that.”
His dark brows rose, his head tilted as he studied me silently. His piercing stare was enough to make even me shuffle my feet. My cheeks flushed. That had been a childish response and completely unnecessary. Gods, I was so tired of this: of me, my negativity, my inability to drag myself out of this dark mood that I knew was somehow linked to the Heart and how much magic it was taking from me. I was exhausted despite sleeping like the dead every night. I’d put it down to late night studying in the library, reading every damned tome and scroll in there, but still, I’d found nothing, not a single word of advice about how a new Angel should connect to the Heart. Then again, why should there be when they lived an eternal life, at least until someone or something decided their time was up and found a way to end them? I had dark shadows beneath my eyes. I’d lost weight to the point my clothes hung from me. I was listless and nauseous and avoided Dex as much as possible.
My eyes pricked with tears. I missed him. He looked so damned handsome, so powerful and perfect. He never failed at anything. The possibility that I would hold him back from taking his crown had never crossed my mind, but standing before him right then, I felt small, weak and pathetic. I’d never felt that way in my life. I’d always fought for survival with my fists and blades, yet those wouldn’t help me fight this feeling of inadequacy. My throat was painful as I swallowed and forced myself to speak.
“I’m sorry. I’m just—tired.”
But I wasn’t just tired, not anymore. For the first time in my life, I was utterly terrified. If I couldn’t fulfil my role, I wasn’t needed, obsolete, superfluous. I was the one thing that could end Dex’s rule. His alliances would crumble among the demons that already regarded me with suspicion. They would demand my execution. My breath hitched. If he didn’t give me up, they would band together and come for him—and me. Then he would destroy them all and this world along with them. I couldn’t let that happen. If I wasn’t here, would he search for Pria, or would the Higher Powers gift a new Angel to this world, a child that would grow into a woman and become Dex’s lover, his queen?
Warm fingers brushed down my cheek, urging me to look up. The green pools of his eyes softened, searching my face. I blinked rapidly, forcing my mouth to open and suck air into my too-tight chest.
“I know you are, my love.”
My limbs were shaking so hard I couldn’t hide it anymore, though I found I didn’t care if Dex noticed. I just wanted to lie down and sleep.
“I’m sorry you had to come out here. I’ll be more careful tomorrow,” I said, my voice catching, suddenly desperate to feel my love’s arms around me, to feel protected, warm and safe without the pressure of our destinies weighing us down. I never thought I’d pine for life back in the Slopes, but right then, I did. Life had been simpler; even the violence and constant need to fight for survival was less stressful than having the weight of everyone’s existence on my shoulders. It had been too long since I’d fallen asleep in Dex’s arms, mainly because it was easier to avoid him by going to the library. When he finally finished with his responsibilities, it was late, and he was asleep when I returned to our room. I often passed out from exhaustion, and he would always be gone when I awoke.
Now, I wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in the cage of his arms, held against his powerful body, and to feel the connection with him that had been fading with every day that passed. Did he know? Did he feel our magical bond weakening? The mating bond we shared was still there, though even that seemed fragile, delicate enough that it might dissipate. We hadn’t made love in far too long, and I missed our physical connection. But more than that, I missed him.
“You will not come back here tomorrow,” he stated, his voice dark and low.
I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off.
“I’m taking you back to the castle, and you’re going to eat, bathe and sleep, in that order.” His tone warned me not to argue. “Come here.” He opened his big arms and, Aether help me, I couldn’t be angry about him dictating to me. All I wanted was to be with him. I stepped into his large body.
Unapologetically, he lifted me. “Wrap your legs around me, sweetheart.”
It was a gentle demand but one I had no problem following. I wound my legs around his waist and draped my arms over his shoulders, resting my face in the crook of his neck. Breathing deeply, I savoured his midnight scent, the sultry aroma lulling me into a calm state. It was easy to let my mind drift to an alternate place where the weight of the world wasn’t on my shoulders, where he’d never let me go, where we were both safe and the land we lived in was whole. A place where I was his, just as he was mine, forever.
A tear seeped from the corner of one eye, drying on my cheek. In that world, Dex wouldn’t need a different Angel; I would be enough.
Chapter Three
Glorious warmth cocooned my aching body, the weight of relaxed, solid muscles holding me in place, a thick leg over my thighs, a heavy arm over my waist.
My chest warmed, chasing my anxieties away. It was a temporary feeling, I knew that, but so welcome. His big body spooned me from behind, so I snuggled into the wall of muscle at my back, a small smile teasing the corner of my mouth. I laid my hand on his corded forearm, happy he’d wrapped it over my middle and curled his fingers under my side. I was effectively imprisoned by his bulk, and I loved it. So much. I’d missed this, missed him.
I lay still, listening to the distant sounds of life outside our window and door. I wasn’t worried about anyone entering. Dex had guards posted, and they were instructed only to let any staff in after he informed them he was ready. This was his home, his sanctuary, and no one would dare disturb it other than for his safety.
His heart beat a steady thrum against my back, and I found myself focusing on it, my eyes drifting closed. But I fought that urge to sleep. I didn’t want to, not when such moments were so rare. An urge to look at his face hit me. I wanted to see him, to make sure he was real, that this moment was real. I knew our love was absolute, but so many things could come between us that I was terrified of losing him. The future was proving intangible and fragile in a way I never would have believed.
I tensed my muscles, trying to turn over, but it was impossible. Grunting with effort, I tried to move within the cage of his body when a deep chuckle resonated, his breath tickling my neck. Goosebumps burst over my skin.
“You aren’t going anywhere,” he murmured huskily, his timbre low and sleepy.
“I want to see you,” I admitted, my fingers trailing up his arm. The weight across my body lifted enough for me to turn. Like the turbulence of a choppy sea, vivid green eyes looked back at me, not soft with sleep but dark with lust.
“It’s too long since I’ve woken up with you in my arms,” he murmured, trailing his fingers up my side and over the curve of my shoulder. I shivered as bolts of pleasure rushed over my skin, settling between my thighs. His fingers cupped my jaw, his thumb running over my bottom lip. His face darkened. “I don’t like it.”
“Neither do I,” I whispered.
His lips curled into the kind of smile that sent butterflies into flight in my stomach, though I didn’t miss the shadow that remained in his gaze. “Then we agree, we’ll go to bed holding each other and wake up the same way from now on.”
I leaned in and brushed my lips over his before smiling sadly. “You know it’s not that easy. You have responsibilities, and so do I.”
“Lia, I’m High King. If I say demons wait for my attention, they wait. And your self-imposed responsibilities are making you ill. You’re exhausted.” He studied my face, his brow furrowed.
“They aren’t self-imposed,” I bit back, my voice tight. “The Higher Powers imposed the responsibility for this world on me when they made me the Angel. I have to find a way to fix everything.”
“The Heart has waited hundreds of cycles since my mother died. It will survive long enough for us to find a way to fully connect your magic to it. You’re clearly giving it enough to keep the Veil strong. Both worlds are safe for now.”
I’m not, though. My mind screamed at him. Why don’t you see that? I’ll die because the Heart is taking too much, or someone who doesn’t believe I can do this will find a way to end me. I shook my head, stamping on those dark thoughts. Voicing my fears wasn’t an option. Admitting I was scared would only add to his already overwhelming worries, and I refused to be a burden. He’d protected me when I was a child. But I was an adult now and could take care of myself.
He tilted his head, studying me, warmth from his body comforting me. The need to stay within the circle of his arms was almost palpable, yet, this close, he’d read me, feel my apprehension through our mating bond, see my fears. He’d know my self-confidence was in ribbons. His hold on my chin didn’t relent, nor did his thigh move from my legs, so I couldn’t pull away. I dropped my gaze to his shoulder.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Pull away from me again.”
“I-I’m not.” The lie was bitter on my tongue, so I kept my eyes lowered, fixing my attention on the pulse in his beautifully corded neck. It was far easier to look at than his eyes. “I just don’t see how we can promise each other such a thing,” I almost whispered.
“Because you’re my mate, Angel. My everything. I would rather let this world burn than neglect you like I’ve done recently. I thought you needed space to settle into your new place in this world. I should have known that discovering you’re the one to save it, finding out that you’re not mortal but a goddess put on this plane to complete the circle of life, that you are my mate, my reason for being, was all too much in such a short space of time. I should have been by your side far more.” He kissed my head, his breath disturbing the finer strands of my hair. “Seeing you like that yesterday, I’ve decided space is overrated. You need my support more than you need to be left alone. I’m your bonded, and it was wrong of me to leave you alone so much. I’m sorry.”
Immediately, I shook my head and peered up at him. “No. This situation isn’t your fault. I should have said that I…” I hesitated, still unable to admit how much I was struggling. I didn’t want to seem weak or needy, so I cupped his cheek. “I miss this, us.”
A slow smile stretched his lips revealing perfect teeth, but he didn’t hide the concern in his gaze. “So do I.”
I didn’t move away as his head dipped, and warm, soft lips slanted over mine. I sighed into his open mouth, and for the first time in weeks, I released the weight of my destiny from my shoulders and just let myself feel. My body reacted in a way only he could achieve, desire dampening the skin between my thighs, warming every cell until my toes curled. While my body heated under his attention, my brain caught up with his words.
“Wait,” I uttered breathlessly. “Do you mean you’ve been deliberately avoiding me?” Except I’d been avoiding him as well, hadn’t I?
He shrugged, an apologetic slant to his lips. “It wasn’t what I wanted. I was advised to give you time alone to process everything that’s happened. I agreed because I didn’t want to put any more stress on these beautiful shoulders. I didn’t want to smother you.” He cocked his head. “I’m very aware my protectiveness is not how most mortal men behave. I didn’t want to drive you away again by insisting you be with me every moment possible.” His jade eyes met mine, ruby veins staining the green irises, evidence of his true nature. “But that was before. Looking at how you’ve fared by yourself, I think you should stay with me.”
My heart jumped. Didn’t he know I loved every facet of him, including how he wanted to protect me? “Dex, I’m not any more mortal than you.” I wrapped my arms around him and pushed the length of my body against his, peering up at my Demon King. My independence was a discussion for another day. He was right. I needed his love and support, and he should know I appreciated it. “I love everything about you, especially that you want to keep me safe. You could never smother me because I won’t let you. Besides, I like being close enough to you to breathe nothing but your air.”
Those beautiful ruby hues swallowed the green of his eyes as he rolled onto his back, dragging me with him. I slid my leg over his hips, the entire length of my body laying skin to skin against his. The wall of rippling muscle beneath me sent desire firing through my blood. Unable to keep still, I rocked my slick core against him. His hand speared through my hair and cradled the back of my head. He urged me towards his full lips, but I was already moving, mashing our mouths together and kissing him deeply. Our tongues tangled as our moans and sighs mingled with our panted breaths. Pushing my hands under his shoulders, I gripped him hard enough my nails scored his skin. I wanted to crawl inside him, get closer, forget the Heart, our responsibilities, and my friends needing a way home. My world narrowed to my soulmate. He was all I needed.
He gripped my hair tighter, forcing our lips apart, his expression grave. “I love you so much. Don’t let this obsession with connecting to the Heart distract you from caring for yourself. Do you hear me?”
I looked at the shadows formed by the dips and curves of his muscular chest, hiding from the intensity of his gaze. “It’s not an obsession, Dex. It’s my reality. I have to find a way, or everything will die.” Me included, whispered in my mind. He kissed me again. Gently massaging my lips and tongue with his own, leaving me in no doubt that it was more than a kiss. My eyes burned. It was a promise.
“Then I will care for you while you find a way. I won’t permit you to neglect yourself. You’ll leave my side only when I allow it, and you don’t need to revisit the Heart right now. When you’re stronger, I’ll let you return there. With me. When you want to research magic, and I am unable to accompany you, Dala, or at least two Barg, will be by your side. They will remind you to eat and drink and keep you safe.”
I scowled, but before I could speak, he interrupted, a grin stretching his mouth.
“No. You’ll do exactly as I say. You’re exhausted. You’re not eating properly, and visiting the Heart daily allows it to drain your energy. That isn’t acceptable, my Queen.”
He rolled us again, engulfing my body as his weight pushed me into the soft mattress. It was a dominant show of strength. And I loved it. I loved him, all of him, especially the feel of his erection pressing into the softness of my abdomen that proved I affected him as much as he affected me. Heat travelled between us, and I moaned. It had been too long since I’d felt him inside me. The emptiness was almost painful. His hands took mine, pushing them into the mattress beside my head.
“I won’t be without you again. Whether you want it or not, I will ensure you are safe. That you eat, drink, sleep—and feed from me.” Soft lips brushed kisses along the side of my mouth, moving down my neck, his tongue licking, tasting my skin. “I want to make love to you every damn night. I can’t stay away from you anymore. I won’t. Not even if it makes becoming our saviour harder for you.”
“Harder? No, Dex, I’m stronger when you’re by my side. Maybe you will uncover something I’ve missed.”
He was right; the Heart was slowly draining me. But Dex’s presence, his dark magic, seemed to lessen that pull. My limbs didn’t shake as much, and the consuming exhaustion and nausea that dogged me eased.
He rolled his hips, dragging his hardness along my wet seam, firing bolts of pleasure out from my core. I sighed, moving against him.
“Gods, I need you,” he muttered against my lips, kissing me again. His hand reached for his erection and positioned his crown, pushing inside me with a firm thrust. I was slick, but his girth stretched me to the point of pain. That mixture of pain and pleasure was almost my undoing. My moans got louder as he consumed me, his body a welcome weight, the smell of midnight spice and male skin surrounding me while his magic danced with mine. He simultaneously destroyed and rebuilt me, and my worries fell away.
His throaty moan mixed with my mewls of pleasure as he dragged his hips back, pausing before pushing slowly back in. Loud pants filled the air, and my brain focused on the sensation of him owning my body as my eyes fluttered shut.
“Angel? Look at me,” he commanded as he dragged back again. I tried to chase him with my pelvis, a whimper of dissatisfaction escaping my throat when he withdrew further. Our gazes locked. His eyes were a burning red, his scrutiny intense. Lust darkened his features.
“You…Are…Mine,” he growled, ramming into me with enough force that my breasts bounced, and I slid up the bed. He did it again and again. “You. Will. Not. Hurt. Yourself. Anymore.” He growled with each thrust. “You’re mine to care for. Mine to keep safe.”
I held his gaze even as a tear rolled from my eye. He dipped and licked it away. Stilling his hips, his whole demeanour changed. “No tears,” he whispered, kissing me again. He dropped to his forearms, working his hands under my back and curling his fingers over my shoulders. I shifted my legs wider to accommodate his bulk. This time, when he moved, his angle changed. Each drive of his hips hit a spot inside me that sent tremors of pleasure throughout my body. At the same time, the coarse hair on his pelvis rubbed against the bundle of nerves at my apex, sending lightning shooting out to my limbs. I wrapped my legs around his upper thighs, rolling my hips with his, chasing the pleasure he offered.
Our magic entwined, his offering mine the precious sustenance it needed to feed the Heart—and me.
Dex groaned, his weight shifting to his elbows, his grip moving to cup the sides of my head, holding me captive in his piercing gaze. I lifted my hands to his face, my body moving in sync with his, desperate for the release that was for him and him alone. My heart swelled with emotion; he was my everything.
His forehead rested on mine, the intensity of his regard never wavering.
“I love you,” I whispered.
His lips found mine, his hips demanding I find my pleasure before he did. My insides clenched, slowly, pleasure building until I could do nothing to stop the explosion that detonated from my core, burning through my body. I cried out. His mouth stole the sound and his thrusts became more urgent, his muscles locking up as warmth flooded my insides. Spasm after spasm shook him until he slowed his undulations, bringing himself and me down from the high.
His kiss didn’t stop, almost as if he couldn’t bring himself to end our connection. My eyelids drooped. Sated and content, my limbs were heavy, my touch falling from his face.
“Stay with me,” I mumbled from far away, unsure if I’d actually managed to speak until he answered.
“I told you, I’m not leaving you.” A kiss brushed my brow. “Ever.”
The hole in my chest filled a little, and I succumbed to my ever-present exhaustion, falling into a deep slumber with Dex’s weight on me and his body still sheathed inside mine.