
Alpha Protector Pre-Order Link!

Pre-order link now available!I decided on Alpha Protector as the title for Stone and Shannon’s story. It encompasses what Stone is to Shannon all the way through their story. Shannon has many demons to overcome, so does Stone. Stone’s are real though, and...

Fiction fans and Ballgowns was fun!

FFB 2024 was an amazing experience! It was the first book signing event I’ve done for about five years. I had a blast, especially as I could take my girls with me. I’m not so good at aesthetics, (hence my IG feed and TikTik are a bit hit and miss!) but the...

Come and join us on Kickstarter!

I’ve finally got time to tell you what’s happening with the Kickstarter! We’ve made it to the point I’m actually costing up getting the dust jackets foiled. How exciting! I’ve also got a first look at the formatting for the book. The...

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